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perjantai 22. tammikuuta 2010

Washington Wizards - Miami Heat

Friday 22.1.2010 - NBA

Wizards are at the moment hot team even they are only 2-1 SU in their last two matches. After Arenas was finally taken away from the game because of his gun episode the team has played clearly better. The zone defense is stronger, the team has grown more together and they have still something to play for because even their overall record is bad, 14-27, they are still in the play-off fighting, thanks for the weak quality of Eastern Confrence. Wizards have easy schedule at the moment, this is their fourth home match in row. Heat is expected to bounce back after their big loss in Charlotte but the momentum what Wizards have found should roll on for some time especially at home.

Pick Washington Wizards +1,5 1.93 5/10

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