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lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2010

Minnesota Vikings - Dallas Cowboys

Sunday 17.1.2010

Vikings were the other team with Patriots which won all regular season homegames. Patriots was outplayed on last weekend and on this weekend the other hometeam will have hard times. If we check all 8 teams left in NFL at the moment Cowboys has been in the hottest form and also they seem the most balanced. Their offense and defense are good and they have deepness.

Vikings have scary offense what Favre leads, they can run and pass and experienced fox like Favre does not fear the pressure or some hits by Cowboys. Cowboys should get some pressure on Favre or the game might be lost. I think they are able to do this.

The secondary of Vikings is their weakest point. Much rests on the shoulders of Cowboys quarterback Romo. He has had his own play-off demons but as many times one good play-off game is enough to take those demons away. Vikings has the ability to sack Romo so we will see how he manages to hold his mental stage. Unlike during the previous years he has now run offense around him which can help and that should reduce the pressure.

The home advantage is important at this situation but since I see Cowboys more balanced I would favour them slightly.

Pick Dallas Cowboys 2.30 7/10

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